RPC «META-CHROM», CO. LTD will take part in the exhibition EXPO-RUSSIA VIETNAM 2022
17.11.2022 |
RPC Meta-Chrom, Co. Ltd is a research and production company - developer of analytical gas chromatographs, laboratory reactor facilities, testing and measuring equipment for various industries. The company was founded in 1995 and is one of the world leaders in this industry. For more than 27 years, we have been supplying equipment to all leading oil-gas and oil refineries, as well as to oil-gas and petrochemical universities of the Russian Federation and the CIS. In addition to the production of chromatographs and components, RPC Meta-chrom Co. Ltd offers services for the comprehensive maintenance of equipment. This includes not only repair and preventive measures, but also the modernization of existing instruments, optimization and automation of devices for modern analytical requirements. Main directions: Development, production, implementation and turnkey delivery, warranty and post-warranty service, repair of modern automated laboratory and industrial gas chromatographs, development and production of hydrogen generators, air compressors, liquid autosamplers, development and production of laboratory reactor units, catalyst testing facilities, development and production devices for testing explosives and other testing and measuring equipment. Availability of ready-made solutions for various industries. |
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