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Zarubezh-Expo, OJSC is organizer and operator of annual and non-recurrent Russian industrials events abroad that are intended for promoting Russian goods, techniques, and investments. Company pays maximum efforts for improving good image ofRussia by means of broadcasting in international mass-media and sending representative delegations. Company organizes exhibitions, business-forums, business meetings; it also promotes setting business cooperation in the highest level.

Zarubezh-Expo, OJSC defines country and exhibition subject, then it performs survey of current business to determine compliance of Russian export potential and import of the country where an exhibition will be held.

Cooperation with Russian sales representatives abroad and international mass-media helps to bring information about Russian achievements in various branches of economy to business communities and people at large of the area of activity planned.

Some activities of Zarubezh-Expo, OJSC are held by using federal budget fund.

Own projects of the company are as follows:

Annual Industrial Exhibition in Jordan “Expo-Russia” that was established in October 2002 with the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia, International Association of Peace Foundations, Ministry of Economic Development of Russia, Russian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Russian Embassy in Jordan, Embassy of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in Russia, Jordan Chamber of Commerce, Embassy of Iraq in Russia, Baghdad Chamber of Commerce, Russian-Arab Business Council, Russian-Jordanian Business Council, and branch ministries.

Nowadays, the exhibition “Expo-Russia Jordan” is the most significant Russian annual event in the Middle East.

Annual Russian-Armenian Industrial Exhibition “Expo-Russia Armenia” is held in Yerevan since 2008.

Annual Russian-Kazakhstan Industial Exhibition Expo-Russia Kazakhstan is held in Almaty since 2010.


10, Prechistenka str., Moscow, 119034, Russia

Phone/Fax:+7 (495) 637 3633, 637 5079, 721 3236,

+7 (499) 766 9917




The company is founded under the support of The International Association of Peace Foundations.



10, Prechistenka str., Moscow, 119889, Russia

Phone: +7 (495) 202-42-36

e-mail: mafm@co.ru

The Association is a peace-making charity non-governmental organization with a General Consultative Status at the UN ECOSOC. The IAPF is a legal successor to the Soviet Peace Fund established in the former USSR in 1961. Members of the Association are its founders - national peace foundations of all CIS countries and Baltic states. The President of the IAPF is Mr. A.E. Karpov, World Chess Champion, UNICEF Ambassador. IAPF implements its own peace-making and charity projects in different parts of the World and performs production, financial and external economic activities to achieve its Charter objectives.

The first exhibition “EXPO-RUSSIA”  took place in December in 2002 under the patronage of His Majesty King Abdullah II, with support of the Embassy of The Russian Federation in Jordan, The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of RF, The International Association of Peace Foundations ,

…"There is no doubt that the exhibition will draw the great interest and broaden the visitors perception of our people's life… The Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the RF considers it as very useful one and fully supports the activities of the International Association of Peace Foundations".

E.M. Primakov

President of the CCI RF

"…This is the first time in the history of new Russia when such a Russian exhibition is organized here. Its realization will give the opportunity to present new Russia to the whole region of The Middle East and an adequate notion about our country, its economic and technical potentialites, achievements and national traditions…"

A.P. Shein

 Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of The Russian Federation in Jordan

…"The first Russian exhibition " EXPO-RUSSIA-2002" could play a very important role in the further development of friendly relations between our countries, and Jordan may become a center of business and economic relations of the Middle East with Russia… We accept the coming exhibition as a bunch of flowers from our friends…"

Akhmed Ali Mubeidin

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Jordan in the Russian Federation.