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«Asterias» will take part in the exhibition EXPO-RUSSIA ARMENIA 2022
«Asterias» solves the problems of «liquid» and «dry» filtration for the selection of fabrics and equipment, using methods of spectral and emission analysis. «Asterias» sews products from synthetic fabrics (cloths, sleeves, belts, bags, sectors), conducts industrial tests of new types of materials. This allows our customers to obtain record-breaking capacity of filters and, as a result, increase profits.
«Asterias» is the official representative of «TEFSA-Group, Técnicas de Filtración S.A.» in the CIS countries. «TEFSA» offers all possible types of filters (drum, belt, cartridge, horizontal) from manual to fully automatic. The modern architecture of filters, reliability of a design, intellectual automation allows to reach optimum hour productivity and low parameters of a impurities in a filtrate.
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