
6th Annual Indistrial Exhibition
Expo-Russia 2007
17-19 March, 2007
Amman, Jordan
LE ROYAL hotel 5*

with support of
the Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation,
the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation,
the Embassy of the Russian Federation in Jordan, t
- the Embassy of Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan in the Russian Federation, the Embassy of Iraq in the Russian Federation,
- the Russian - Arab Business Council,
- Jordan Chamber of Commerce,
- Amman Chamber of Commerce,
- Jordan Chamber of Industry,
- Aqaba Chamber of Commerce.
Information support: Arabian and Russian mass-media, TV channel TVC, radio station «Voice of Russia in the Middle East», «Jordanian news agency «Petra», «Al Arab Al Yaum», «Al-Ahram», «Al Dustur», «Jordan Business weekly», «Al Rai», «Al Waseet», «Jordan Times», «The Star»
Visitors: the representatives of ministries and departments, the businessmen and experts of Jordan, Iraq and other countries of Middle East region.
The exhibition purpose: restoration of the Russian, Jordan and Iraq cooperation and development of business relations with Jordan and the neighboring countries.
Conference: “Russia – Jordan – Iraq: economic cooperation”
Jordan is the gateway to the Middle East
Jordan is bordered on Syria, Israel, Iraq, with Saudi Arabia and Egypt. Membership in WTO, political and economic stability, exclusive reliability of the bank sector, the international airport and five-star hotels make Jordan the best and convenient place for carrying out of the international exhibitions, conferences, business meetings. More than 80% of the Iraq private companies are registered in Jordan. The free economic zone allows to cooperate upon registration with all countries of region without additional nominations. The major cargo seaport Aqaba allows to transport cargoes to Iraq. The Bible places, resorts of the Red and Dead seas allow to combine business with treatment and rest. Authorities of Jordan are ready to render all assistance and support to development of relations with the Russian business.
Thematic sections of the exhibition: Power Industry, Metallurgy, Mechanical Engineering Industry, Construction, Water Technology, Transport and Technical Equipment, Oil and Gas, Geology, Chemistry, Telecommunication and Communication, Timber, Medicine, Education, Agriculture.
List of participants
Application form
17 March 14.00 - opening ceremony of exhibition "Expo-Russia"
working hours:
17 March: 14 pm - 7 pm
18-19 March: 10 am - 7 pm
JSC «Zarubezh-Expo»
119889, Russia, Moscow, Prechistenka Str., 10
+7(495) 637-50-79, 637-36-33, 721-3236
www.zarubezhexpo.ru info@zarubezhexpo.ru