International Industrial Exhibition "EXPO-RUSSIA SERBIA 2016"
Belgrade Business Forum
16-18 March 2016
Belgrade, Republic of Serbia
Metropol Palace
The purpose of the exhibition:
Consolidation of political, economic, humanitarian and socio-cultural relations between the two countries in the context of the "Declaration on Strategic Partnership of the Russian Federation and the Republic of Serbia", signed by President Vladimir Putin and Tomislav Nikolic, May 24, 2013.
• JSC "Zarubezh-Expo"
Coorganiser from Serbia – Chamber of commerce and Industry of Serbia
With the support of:
• Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation • Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation • Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation • Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation • The Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation • Rossotrudnichestvo • Branch ministries of the Russian Federation • Branch ministries of the Republic of Serbia • International Slavic Academy of Sciences, Arts, Education and Culture
Under the patronage of the The Chamber of Commerce of the Russian Federation
Thematic sections of the exhibition:
Energy and energy-saving technologies
Mechanical Engineering
The oil and gas industry
High-tech and innovative industries
Scope of services (tourism, road transport, transport logistics)
Conference "Development of Economic Cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Republic of Serbia at the present stage" will take place during the exhibition.
There will be also thematic round tables, meetings with representatives of the ministries and departments.
Presently the large number of companies, Chambers of Commerce of the Russian regions and companies of the Republic of Serbia are expected to participate in the exhibition.
Some of participants:
We invite you to participate in the industrial exhibition «EXPO-RUSSIA SERBIA»
Please contact organizing committee to get application forms
+7 (495) 721-32-36 info@zarubezhexpo.ru
The Organizing Committee:
OJSC "Zarubezh Expo"
multi-channel number +7 (495) 721-32-36