The limited liability company "Ufa Plant of Geological Exploration Equipment (OOO "UZGO") is a certified manufacturer of drilling equipment URB-2A-2, URB-2A-2D, URB-2D3, URB-2A-2GK (KGK), URB-2A-2GT, drilling pumps NB-50, as well as their replacement parts, and drilling tools (augers, driling pneumatic rockbreakers, drill pipes). The quality management system of the company is certified according to the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2008.
The company has all necessary facilities, both own and shared in cooperation with a group of companies, for the equipment manufacturing: facilities for casting major components, including pump housings, rotators and transfer cases; for mechanical machining, including reduction drive corps machining; for heat treatment; for equipment assembling and testing.
At present more than 4000 consuming enterprises have already discovered the benefits of the cooperation with OOO "UZGO". We would be happy to see your company among them! We are not unique we are trustworthy!