LLC Venchur-N is the parent enterprise of the international innovative holding company "Homo responsabilis", specializes in developing, manufacturing and organizing sales of innovative products and technologies only on the recommendations of its Center for Marketing Analysis, with guaranteed demand in the world innovation market.
Our wearless operation technology (WOT) is based on use of lubricants with regeneration effect, containing antifriction regenerating composition (ARC), and has no analogues in the world.
The universal nature of WOT enables to regenerate a resource, prolong service life and ensure reliable operation of extremely worn-up mechanical equipment and engineering (during operation) in all fields of economy: power engineering, housing and communal services, transport, agriculture, oil- and gas-extraction, coal production, industry, personal subsidiary plot, etc.
We are interested in:
1. Enterprises and organizations that own mechanical equipment of all kinds, motor and tractor machinery, transport means. We guarantee: - 20% reduction in fuel consumption, hence, a corresponding decrease in the amount of harmful emissions. - 50% reduction in unit costs for the operation of mechanical equipment and machinery in all sectors of the economy.
2. Distributors of our products. Our pricing policy will allow to get 50-100% of the profit from the total of our deliveries.
3. Enterprises and organizations ready to organize at itself the Centers of innovative re-export. We will provide for re-export approved in the markets of Europe and of other countries, not having the competition in the world market products and technologies with a total of annual realization not less than $10 billion.
www.moto-guard.com www.iznosa-net.ru