November 19 – 21, 2007
Johannesburg, South Africa
Sandton Convention Centre
The purpose of the Exhibition is to assist the development of cooperation between Russia and South Africa, to diversify exports of Russian products and services to the South African market, to promote exports of Russian technologies, to establish direct trade and economic relations with South African public and private industrial, commercial and financial organizations and companies, to encourage development of cultural relations between two countries.
Russian National Exhibition in the Republic of South Africa is held after the official visits of President Putin (September 2006) and Premier Fradkov (March 2007) in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation
Thematic trends of the Exhibition are the follows:
- geological investigations,
- mining and gold-mining industry,
- extraction and treatment of diamonds,
- nature management (water and forestry, ecology),
- agriculture,
- mechanical engineering,
- motor-car construction,
- ship and airplane construction,
- chemical industry,
- oil and gas,
- power engineering,
- high technologies,
- telecommunications,
- aviation,
- space research,
- civil engineering and construction ,
- helth,
- education,
- banking,
- real estate,
- investment projects
- and others
Ministry for Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation
Russian Union of Industrialists & Entrepreneurs
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation
Embassy of the Russian Federation in RSA
Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Industry and Power Engineering of the Russian Federation
Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation
Russian part of the Russia – RSA Combined Intergovernmental Commission
International Association of Peace Foundations
Institute for African Studies of the Russian Academy of Science
Russia-RSA Business Counsel
Other central government and regional authorities
Industrial, commercial and financial institutions
Industrial associations and unions
Research, marketing and analytical centers
Innovative foundations
Banks, insurance, leasing, franchising companies
Mass media, etc.
Organizational Committee of the Exhibition is busy now with designing the exposition, elaborating program of actions, preparing visit of the
Russian official delegation to the Republic of South Africa.
List of Russian Delegation
Official Operator of the Exhibition: JSC “Zarubezh-Expo”
119889,Russia, Moscow
+7(495) 637-50-79, 637-36-33, 721-3236
+7 (499)766-99-17 +7 (499)766-98-13
www.zarubezhexpo.ru info@zarubezhexpo.ru